My Big Podcast Debut

So last night was my internet debut.  Before I get to that, can I just talk about the build up to the podcast?  I was a bundle of nerves and I’m not really sure why.  I basically came home, finished a few small projects (because I was too stressed to do anything major) and just sat around until it was time to log on.  At one point my sister left the room because I was making her nervous…she didn’t care about my struggle.  So at the last minute I pull it together and log on.  Everything is going great until I realize that I don’t have anything to drink…my mouth got SOOO dry and I wasn’t prepared for the Wine Down #losing.

** Me before the podcast started **

So the podcast starts and everything is going good…its just like I normally talk to the computer but this time ABM and MImi can actually hear me and respond.  All of a sudden I get a text message from who else but my manager (aka sister)…STOP CLEARING YOUR THROAT!!!  i have no clue what she was talking about but that made me self-conscious and without any water I was really just stuck.  Apparently she thought I didn’t get her message because she comes running down the stairs waving her hands telling me to cut it out.  Can I explain how hard it is to focus when there is a madwoman frantically waving at you while you’re LIVE on camera?!  **EDIT – Having listened to the podcast for the second time there are a couple of strategically placed ahems, lol **

Overall I loved participating in the podcast and hopefully I’ll get to come back as I get further along in the process.  Now, for my official unoffical recap of the topic:  Take Your Time, We’ll Wait.

Adoption, regardless of your journey involves various periods of waiting.  There’s the wait before you actually submit your application (which is where I am), there’s the wait for licensing, there’s the wait to be matched, a wait to finalization and I’d even add a wait to reach some sort of normalcy post-adoption.  We talked about the statistics related to wait time as well as what you can do to occupy yourself during these waits.  I’ve been swimming and crafting both to keep myself occupied and as a means to prepare for adoption; Financially the crafting has been an additional revenue stream that’s helping me build a nest egg and the swimming is so that beach trips and vacations with my future child will include playing in the water safely.  Mimi mentioned that she nested which involved getting the nursery ready.  I’ve been trying to restrain myself from the nesting but I can feel myself losing the battle.  I’ve made most of the safety changes that I’ll need (fire extinguishers, surge protector covers, child locks) so the nursery is the next thing to work on.  I already have several things planned but I’ve resisted starting them.  I have a color scheme planned (unisex since I’m open to both boys and girls) and a theme.  The crafter in me won’t be denied much longer, so don’t be surprised if the blog begins to feature some of my work.  ABM took the Adoption HOV lane and sped through her process so fast that there wasn’t really any waiting.  Just throwing it out there to the universe…I’ll take the Adoption HOV please….I have my friends and family with me on this journey so there’s more than enough people to justify me being in this lane.


Another way to occupy your time that we briefly discussed was Adoption forums and communities.  I’ve seen the communities online but I have yet to actually join one.  Right now, ABM and Mimi are a good community for me because they’re at different points in their adoption journey and their paths were different so I feel that they can answer the questions I have at this point.  I did actually find someone who started the Foster-to-Adopt process in my state (even though they subsequently moved) so I reached out to see if she would share any insight with me.  I’ll probably work on building a local community just because each state is so different that I think it will be helpful to find people who are dealing with the same agency as I am and will understand the nuances of my process.

We also talked about the Homestudy.  A homestudy is required regardless of what type of adoption you choose (Private/Independent, Foster-to-adopt, Agency).  Homestudies involve a social worker visiting your home and learning about you and your life to determine if you’re actually qualified to parent.  A big takeaway from this conversation for me was that you can (and should) ask to see your assessment after they’ve completed it.  Ultimately this document is what is used to match you with potential children so you really want it to be an accurate reflection of you.  ABM and Mimi have given me the confidence to be able to ask for certain things in the homestudy to be clarified and its good to get that feedback so I won’t feel so helpless during the process.

Next we moved into The Wine Down (although this week it was technically a Wineless Wine Down).  We talked about Waka Flocka’s fertility issues.  I’m still very surprised that he elected to have that filmed given the machismo in hip-hop.  I think its a great conversation starter but given the show, I’m sure that someone will do/say something that brings forth my most aggressive ‘Bye Felicia’.  We also talked about Kim K stating she wanted to adopt a 12 year old she met while visiting an orphanage.  When I first heard that I just rolled my eyes but it does speak to the fact that people don’t really realize how involved the process of adoption is (hello….this whole podcast was about how long the process can take).  Finally we caught up on Married at First Sight.  I still say its odd that these couples haven’t met/spent time with the friends and family of their significant others.  Maybe my friends and family are just pushy busybodies but it just wouldn’t be possible.  My family especially has not one iota of restraint and I couldn’t just marry a stranger without them stalking us until they knew his life story.  We’re southern…we must know ‘your people’ before we can decide if you’re ‘good people’.

So after the wine down, we share our recommendations.  Everything is moving along then……DARKNESS.  The power went out!!!  It caught me so off guard that I literally sat at my computer trying to figure out what happened.  I hopped up and ran to the window and realized the power was out in the entire neighborhood.  It was so strange because it wasn’t raining and the lights didn’t even do the flicker dance…they just shut down quick, fast and in a hurry.  Therefore, if you were wondering why I disappeared at the end of the podcast now you know.

Despite my crazy nerves, I’m really excited I had the chance to particpate.  After the blackout, I just went to bed, but after I got in I literally did one of these under the covers….

 ** girlish sweals **

** Note:  I’m so good with the GIFs now you guys get 3 in one post…thank me later (No Drake) **

1 Comment

  1. These gifs are slaying me! LOL.

    Wait a minute, your sister texted and then came down and waved hands at you on a live podcast??? Where they do that at??? Next time, have her just set some water down next to your laptop! 🙂 <<–Show her this comment! 😀

    Bevies are a must.

    You did great and give great summaries! Thanks so much for joining us. 🙂


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